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Important: If you are downloading from a mobile device (such as a cell) that is NOT Apple, you will need to upload the PDF file. Please look at the instructions below for help.

To download a PREVIEW of Ties & Loyalties: A Mafia Romance for Kindle (mobi format) click the link below:


To download a PREVIEW of Ties & Loyalties: A Mafia Romance for Nook, iTunes, Android, or Kobo (epub format) click the link below:


To download a PREVIEW of Ties & Loyalties: A Mafia Romance (PDF format) click the link below:



If you’re using an apple device, just click the download link above, then select “open in Kindle” or “open in iBooks”.

*** For iPad and iPhone, you might have to tap the download link twice. ***

If you’re using a different device, you may need to use a computer to download the file, then transfer to your reading app.

More instructions on how to do this can be found here:


For Devices using the Kindle app: http://www.amazon.com/gp/sendtokindle

For the Nook app: http://www.barkingrainpress.org/faqs/load-epub-nook/

For Kobo: http://www.ucg.org/help/how-add-ebook-epub-or-pdf-kobo-ereader/


