Title: Consume Me
Series: Ravage MC #3
Author: Ryan Michele
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: January 19, 2015
Cover Designer: Melissa Gill at MGbookcovers
Photographer: Eric Battershell at Eric Battershell
Prospect Andrew “Tug” Tugger wants two things.
One, to become a member of the Ravage Motorcycle Club, and two, Blaze, the sexy brunette whose eyes set him on fire.
Only one of those things is under his control, and he is done waiting.
It’s time to take what he wants.
Blaze has been running from her tragic past for over four years. She is finally feeling settled, after stripping her way through school and building a life in Sumner, her first safe haven. She keeps everyone at arm’s length, afraid to let anyone discover the secrets she holds within.
Tug sets out to make Blaze his, but will someone get burned in the process?
Will Blaze run again when her new world is threatened?
Or will she allow Tug to consume her?
I switch through Netflix finding Fight Club and start the movie while shoving a piece of popcorn in my mouth. Yum, I love buttered popcorn. It was a great day when popcorn was invented. I settle into the couch prop my feet up and throw the blanket from the top of the couch over me snuggling into the pillows.
As I lay staring at the screen watching Brad’s muscles flex, my mind drifts to Tug and I close my eyes, envisioning him in Brad’s place. His abs flexing with each throw slamming into his opponent, his biceps round and hard as he shuffles his feet around the man ready to bring him down. The other guy throws a punch, but Tug easily fends him off slamming his fist into the guys face sending blood splattering through the air.
My hand cascades down my body under my fuzzy pajama bottoms and straight to my sopping wet pussy where my finger swirls around my clit. My hips join in as the movement quickens. Heat invades me and breath becomes difficult to intake.
With my eyes still closed, Tug lands punch after punch sweat dripping down from his face and rippling down his defined muscles. Oh God.
The tension in my body curls up like a coil. My other hand grips the couch hard while my climax races through my body everything in the world stopping. Panting, I open my eyes and a pang of disappointment hits when the man of my fantasies is nowhere to be found.
Brad is on the screen in all his bloody glory beating the hell out of his opponent. Fuck. What is wrong with me? I rip my wet hand out of my pants and throw the blanket off of me. I need some serious damn help or to get laid probably the latter.
Ryan Michele has a huge obsession with reading, which only came to life after her best friend said she had to read Twilight. After reading that series, her entire world changed in the blink of an eye. Not only was she sucked into new worlds and all of the wonderful words authors put down on paper, she felt the urge to begin to write down the characters that played inside of her head. In doing so, Safe was born. Then Wanting You, Ravage Me currently Seduce Me.
When she’s not reading or writing, she spends time taking care of her two children and her husband, enjoying the outdoors and laying in the sun.
Ravage Hotties — https://www.facebook.com/groups/RavageMCHotties/
Ryan’s Ravages — https://www.facebook.com/groups/684118588345863/
Newsletter/Website — www.authorryanmichele.net
Signed Copies of books — www.authorryanmichele.net/store
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